Accessibility Improvements at the Marble Arts Centre in Actinolite

Accessibility Improvements at the Marble Arts Centre in Actinolite

With Community Futures support, Tweed & Company Theatre was able to complete their accessibility improvements at the Marble Arts Centre in Actinolite. Funding of $3,000 was approved for this project which consisted of the purchase and installation of the auto door opening system and the handrails for the ramp and stairs on the exterior of the building.

This portion of the project supports the larger cultural hub renovation that we have now completed, adding over 1500 square feet of useable, barrier-free space, our renovated fully accessible auditorium, and enhanced performances. This has and will lead to increased ticket sales, drastically increased advance sales, higher traffic at public events, heavier usage by persons with disabilities, increased attendance from seniors with mobility issues and hearing loss, and higher involvement from artists and community members with accessibility concerns.