Community Economic Development
What is Community Economic Development?
Community Economic Development (CED) represents a community-led initiative wherein communities actively identify and implement their own remedies for economic, social, and environmental challenges, aiming to foster robust and economically sustainable communities.
Grounded in a grassroots development approach, empowering communities to take intentional measures that shape the local economy and enhance the overall well-being of their residents.
This could include a wide range of local initiatives in areas such as tourism, entrepreneurship, and economic opportunities for specific client groups such as but not limited to: women entrepreneurs, youth, and Indigenous people.

How We Can Help
Local Initiatives Program
We can provide a non-repayable contribution normally up to $3,500 through our Local Initiatives Program for community economic development projects.
For more information check out our FAQ’s below or if you need more guidance.

- Incorporated not-for-profit organizations, municipalities and other incorporated community organizations operating within the CFDC catchment area.
- Non-incorporated organizations, committees or groups within the CFDC catchment area that have an incorporated partner willing to be the lead on project.
- Contribute to the economic development of the region and target community priorities for growth and development. Partnerships are encouraged.
- Are incremental (cannot have already been undertaken and / or cannot relate to the core operations of the organization)
- Cannot extend past March 31st.
- One project per fiscal year (April 1- March 31) per organization.
Eligible Costs
- Must directly relate to the project activities
- Can be capital or non-capital costs
Ineligible Costs
- Wages of current staff
- Operating costs of ongoing operations (including basic websites)
- Yearly festivals
- Leasehold improvements, construction, repairs
We encourage potential applicants to contact our office to discuss their potential project prior to completing an application.
If you have any questions or would like to receive an application, please contact: 613-332-5564 or send us a message.
Note: Funding is limited, not all eligible projects will be approved.
All approved projects will require the ultimate recipient to be contracted under a third-party agreement. The agreement will clearly identify the project statement of work and requirements of the ultimate recipient.
Local Initiative Program Stories
Here are some of the impactful projects that Community Futures is proud to have supported in our communities.

Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance – Rockin’ The Trails Event
Façade Improvement Grant Program
Façade Improvement Grant Program
We can provide a non-repayable contribution up to $3,000 through our Façade Improvement Grant Program for eligible environmentally minded or accessibility enhancement projects.
Approved projects will be reimbursed for 50% of eligible project costs.
For more information check out our FAQ’s below or if you need more guidance.

Must be a legal, duly registered small or medium sized business that is located in the service area of the CFDC of North & Central Hastings and South Algonquin.
Projects that assist business in making positive improvements to their façade on commercially zoned property under one of the two project components.
Improvement projects that positively impact the environment either directly or indirectly through the methods and materials used. - ACCESSIBLIITY COMPONENT
Improvement projects that create enhanced access to a business or its services for people with varied abilities
Eligible Costs:
- Project related costs that can include both capital and non-capital costs.
- Project costs must be incurred prior to March 31st 2025
Ineligible Costs:
- Costs of ongoing operating costs including wages for current staff
- Costs already incurred prior to project approval
- Costs being covered through alternative grant or rebate programs such as C.I.P. etc.
We encourage potential applicants to contact our office to discuss their potential project prior to completing an application.
If you have any questions or would like to receive an application, please contact: 613-332-5564 or send us a message.
Note: Funding is limited, not all eligible projects will be approved.
All approved projects will require the ultimate recipient to be contracted under a third-party agreement. The agreement will clearly identify the project statement of work and requirements of the ultimate recipient.
Façade Improvement Grant Stories
Here are some of the impactful projects that Community Futures is proud to have supported in our communities.